Decision Maker: Audit & Scrutiny Committee
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: SIAP presented a report that contained the audits scheduled for the fourth quarter of the year, which included a review of the Council’s Climate Change Strategy, Planning Enforcement arrangements and a follow up review to the last Annual Governance Statement limited report. It was noted that all of the commissioned plan days had been allocated for the year. In response to questions from Members and the Independent Person, it was noted that: · SIAP would discuss the possibility of including a future audit focusing on council credit card payments with Officers. · the scope of the current procurement audit would potentially include work procured by consultants but only if an example were included through sample testing. SIAP agreed to consider this issue and to discuss how this could be developed outside of the meeting with Members. · the Parking Enforcement audit was currently included in the audit for 2025/26 as there were no further unallocated commissioned plan days in 2024/25. SIAP agreed to review the possibility of amending the Q4 audit plan in order to incorporate an audit of Council income, which would include parking fees and charges, as soon as possible. The scope and timing of the audit would be discussed with Officers. · following the completion of an audit, SIAP identify weaknesses or non-compliance with current Council processes. Officers propose management actions to remedy any issues, which SIAP would then assess to ensure that they address the identified risks. During the debate, the following amendment to the recommendation was proposed and seconded by the Committee: That the Committee delegate authority to the Director of Resources in consultation with Group Leaders and the Chair of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee to approve the Internal Audit Plan 2024-25 (Q4), recognising the importance of income generation, in particular car parking. Upon being put to the vote, the motion to amend the recommendation was agreed. R E S O L V E D – that the Committee delegate authority to the Director of Resources in consultation with Group Leaders and the Chair of the Audit and Scrutiny Committee to approve the Internal Audit Plan 2024-25 (Q4), recognising the importance of income generation, in particular car parking.
Date of Decision: December 5, 2024