Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The purpose of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy (HSWP) is to fulfil the legal requirement to set out how the Council will manage its responsibilities in law and how this applies to all employees and Council partners. The HSWP sets out the approach the authority takes to the successful management of health and safety. Through the Council’s strategic partnership with Rochford District Council, officers have developed a joint policy for both organisations This is developed as a leading statutory document that is pivotal to the Health & Safety and Wellbeing plan. The HSWP is supported by a Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy that provides more details on the specific goals of the organisation, along with how these will be achieved. Due to the complexity of health and safety there is also a diverse range of topic specific Policies, Standards, Operational Procedures and Risk Assessments that detail what is required to ensure management and compliance across the organisation. The recommendation was MOVED by Cllr Kendall and SECONDED by Cllr Mayo. A vote was taken by a show of hands and was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: R1.For members to endorse the draft OneTeam Health & Safety and Wellbeing Policy attached in Appendix A. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS By endorsing this statutory policy, the Council is committed to ensuring there is always a positive and proactive culture towards Health, Safety, and the Wellbeing of its organisation. By committing to Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, the Council will also be contributing to the National Health and Safety initiative; the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE’s) new ten-year strategy: Protecting People and Places. It recognises that the successful management of health and safety makes a positive contribution towards the achievement of the corporate strategy. It supports effective development of management systems, commitment to continuous improvement, and service delivery to the community and our residents, in addition to meeting our statutory responsibilities as an employer. The Council is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all staff, or others affected by its activities, so far as is reasonably practical. Staff are our most valued resource, and their health, safety, welfare, and overall wellbeing is of paramount importance and essential to the planning and delivering of quality services to our residents, visitors, and others. We are committed to preventing ill health and injuries, including those related to psychosocial risk and promoting people’s well-being at work
Date of Decision: December 4, 2024