Decision Maker:
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: On 9 October 2024, the Council resolved in summary to: Launch a local awareness campaign for Pension Credit and encourage local efforts to increase Pension Credit uptake to ensure those eligible continued to receive the Winter Fuel Allowance Identify residents impacted by the change in Winter Fuel eligibility. Sign the ‘Save the Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners’ petition. Investigate similar support schemes by other Local Authorities and report these to the Finance and Resources Committee. Further details of the activities resulting from the above resolution were detailed in the report including information regarding those impacted and the support offered by other local authorities. The report also proposed action which the Council could take to support those persons impacted by the loss of the Winter Fuel Allowance and other residents of the borough that may be impacted by fuel poverty and other cost of living issues. Members thanked council officers for the work they had undertaken in compiling the report. Cllr Barber requested leaflets to be available in order to raise awareness and signpost to residents. The recommendation was MOVED by Cllr Kendall and SECONDED by Cllr Mayo. A vote was taken by a show of hands and was RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: R1 That the committee notes the content of the report in response to the recent resolution of Full Council regarding the Winter Fuel Allowance R2 That the committee approves the proposed ‘Brentwood Cares’ initiative as outlined in the report, and delegates authority to the Strategic Director / Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman of the Committee to agree any matters of detail and progress accordingly. REASON FOR RESOLUTION R1 The resolution responded to the recent resolution of Full Council. R2 In addition to existing service delivery support and signposting, the initiative would focus on ensuring residents were aware of, and can access funding and support that might be available to them. The Council would endeavour to actively engage with local community groups and partners to direct individuals in need, to the Housing Support Fund, Essential Living Fund, and other relevant benefits and support services such as Food banks and energy efficiency advice.
Date of Decision: December 4, 2024