Decision Maker: Cabinet Member - Corporate Services
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: This report sets out the background to the Council’s current Customer eXperience Platform (CXP) solution and requests permission to extend the contract with the current supplier Granicus for 2 further 12-month periods as per the agreed extension options held within the contract.
Content: This report sets out the background to the Council’s current Customer eXperience Platform (CXP) solution and requests permission to extend the contract with the current supplier Granicus for 2 further 12-month periods as per the agreed extension options held within the contract. Decision(s): (1) the background to the Council’s current Customer eXperience Platform (CXP) solution be noted; and (2) the activation of the 2 x 12-month extensions to the current contract with Granicus be approved Reason(s) for the Decision(s): Sefton Council has a contractual agreement with Granicus for the provision of govService, which is a digital Customer eXperience Platform (CXP) Sefton Council uses this solution to deliver digital services to citizens and businesses, as well as internal users. These services include e-forms, application and reporting services with built-in workflow & tracking. Sefton Council awarded the contract to Granicus following a procurement exercise via an OJEU-compliant Restricted Tender exercise. The main 5-year contract term is due to end on 31 March 2025. Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: Commence a new procurement exercise for a CXP solution The option to commence a new procurement exercise for a CXP solution at this time has been considered and rejected for the following reasons: The current contract includes the option to extend the existing contract/solution for up to 2 years The Council considers govService a “once in a generation” solution, as the time, cost and effort involved in the potential change of system is considerable
Date of Decision: December 23, 2024