Decision Maker: Director of Law and Corporate Services (Monitoring Officer)
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: This report recommends the award of an Occupational Health services contract to Kays Medical Limited. This will be for a two-year term with one annual extension option and is to commence subject to contract on 1 April 2025. The scope of the contract will be to provide occupational health services to the Council, Merseyside Pension Fund and Wirral schools. The report supports the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27 specifically the Efficient, Effective and Accessible Council theme.
Content: This report recommends the award of an Occupational Health services contract to Kays Medical Limited. This will be for a two-year term with one annual extension option and is to commence subject to contract on 1 April 2025. The scope of the contract will be to provide occupational health services to the Council, Merseyside Pension Fund and Wirral schools. The report supports the Council Plan: Wirral Working Together 2023-27 specifically the Efficient, Effective and Accessible Council theme. The Director of Law & Corporate Services is recommended to approve the award of a contract for a 2 year terms with a one-year option to extend to Kays Medical Limited for Occupational Health services to the Council (including Merseyside Pension Fund and Wirral schools) at an estimated annual contract value of £188, 000 The contract with the current provider is due to end on 31 March 2025. Utilising an extension with the current provider has been ruled out and is not in the best interest of the Council. Several options were explored with regards to retender for the service and procurement advice was to utilise a framework agreement. Framework agreements provide a pre-approved list of suppliers that meet industry standards and offer competitive rates. Three framework providers were considered. Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation framework was used given the regional proximity of suppliers to Wirral and competitive rates. Other frameworks were explored, including Crown Commercial Service and Eastern Shire Purchasing Organisation. The Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO) framework was made given the regional proximity of suppliers to Wirral and the competitive rates. Consideration was given to utilising an extension with the existing contracted provider, but this has been ruled out and is not in the best interest of the Council.
Date of Decision: December 23, 2024