Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To agree the co-ordinated admission scheme for the 2026/27 academic year for community and voluntary controlled primary and secondary schools
Content: 1. The outcomes of the consulation are noted. 2. Following consultation the coordinated scheme for 2026/27 as set out in Appendix A is agreed. 1. The coordinated admissions scheme works well in Bracknell Forest and is well adhered to by all admission authorities. 2. To ensure Bracknell Forest Council complies with the statutory School Admissions Code 2021 to formulate a qualifying scheme to coordinate applications. 3. To ensure that the coordinated admissions scheme is fit for purpose for the Bracknell Forest schools and community. 4. To ensure a qualifying scheme is determined by the Cabinet Member and published on the LAs website on or before 1 January 2025 in line with the statutory School Admissions Code 2021 None. It is a statutory requirement of the School Admissions Code that all local authorities formulate and publish a relevant qualifying sheme to coordinate applications by 1 January each year. None.
Date of Decision: December 30, 2024