

Decision Maker:

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The Committee started the process of scrutinising the suggested budget reductions and income generation proposals included in the 2025/26 draft budget as set out in Annex E of the agenda pack, with a focus on those proposals from all directorates except for Childrens and Adults Services. Discussions were held on the following proposals: S25-53N Charging for additional green wheeled bins (380k) The Assistant Director of Environment and Waste Services responded to questions advising that residents would be given the option to purchase up to two additional green bins for their property and that after payment stickers would be provided to be displayed on the additional bin(s) at the property. He added that bins should be presented on the curtilage of the individual property with no clustering and residents would be encouraged to number their bins to make it clear which bin belonged to which property. The Committee noted the need for clear communications to residents on these changes. Following a further question from the Committee the Assistant Director advised that for the purposes of waste collection places of worship were entitled to the same bin provision as a residential property and therefore should they wish to have an additional bin they would also be required to pay the fee. S25-54N Household Waste Recycling Centres (430k in 2026/27) The Assistant Director of Environment and Waste Services advised that this saving was attributed to a reduction in management and transportation costs which was expected following a move from 3 to 2 main sites for recycling and refuse in the City. The Committee noted this was contingent on a Delegated Decision scheduled to be taken on 14 January 2025. The Assistant Director advised that it was expected to take roughly 5-6 years for capital payback for the expenses incurred in moving to this method of operation. He also clarified that 99.9% of residents would remain within a 20-minute drive of a household waste recycling centre. S25-50N Opening Elder Gate car park (200k) The Director of Environment and Property advised the Committee that the multi-storey car park which was situated next to the train station was planned to be opened in February 2025. Following a question from the Committee he clarified that the lights were operating as works were currently being undertaken in the car park to prepare for its opening. S25-47N Sponsorship (20k) The Committee were advised that this income had already been achieved and as such the budget sought to align the forecast for 2025/26 with income levels. S25-55N Waste Transfer Station Recyclates (500k) The Committee queried the level of confidence that the current favourable market conditions in recycled materials would continue into the future. The Director of Environment and Property responded that there was a high level of confidence over the period of the medium-term financial plan and the Director of Finance and Resources elaborated that many areas of the budget were subject to volatility and the council operated a robust system of reserves, monitoring and forecasting to ensure that any risks were appropriately mitigated. S25-60N Green Electricity (500k) Following questions from the Committee the Director of Environment and Property advised that this budget reduction would be affected to an extent by the current market price for electricity but this was monitored and reserves were put aside for this purpose. S25-42L Elections (104k) The Committee queried the accounting need to offer years with no elections as a base budget saving to be re-added into the budget for the following three years. The Assistant Director of Finance clarified that this was a one-off saving but appeared in the base budget as it was the continuation of a pressure in the previous year. S25-41N Arts and Culture (40k) Following a question from the Committee the Assistant Director of Finance confirmed that this was a reduction to grant funding for arts and culture organisations which represented a 28% reduction of the budget previously allocated to this work. S25-40N Service Delivery (280k) It was confirmed that this saving was made up of a combination of items including usage of S106 and PPA funds and efficiencies from the introduction of new planning software. S25-24N Lone Worker (20k) The Committee heard that the saving for this item was purely based on a change of provider and would have no impact on staff and the measures put in place for lone workers. RESOLVED – That recommendations in relation to specific items in the 2025/26 Draft Budget be included in the Committee’s report on the draft budget proposals which will be presented to Cabinet and Council in February 2025.

Date of Decision: December 18, 2024