Decision Maker: Director of Economy, Regeneration and Investment
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: This report describes the award of a contract for the provision of construction works to the building at 2 Prince of Wales Road for meanwhile use. This report seeks approval to award the contract to the most economically advantageous bid resulting from a Request for Quote (RfQ) tender process, Air3 Ltd, following endorsement from the Head of Procurement and Social Value The proposed contract term will be for 8 weeks starting in early January for a total value of £217,918.00 and will be funded by the Council’s allocation of the United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).
Content: This report describes the award of a contract for the provision of construction works to the building at 2 Prince of Wales Road for meanwhile use. This report seeks approval to award the contract to the most economically advantageous bid resulting from a Request for Quote (RfQ) tender process, Air3 Ltd, following endorsement from the Head of Procurement and Social Value The proposed contract term will be for 8 weeks starting in early January for a total value of £217,918.00 and will be funded by the Council’s allocation of the United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). That the Director of Economy, Regeneration and Investment approves the award of the contract to Air 3 Limited or a period of 8 weeks for the sum of £217,918.00 excluding. VAT. The project will hold a further contingency of 20% (£43,584.00 excluding. VAT) as there are likely to be costs associated with the fire strategy which are not yet finalised.
Date of Decision: December 23, 2024