Decision Maker: Director of Place Management
Outcome: Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: Deliver Secure fencing surrounding the perimeter of the lower level (below ground), of Manvers Street Car Park (CP), with shutters/controlled gates at pedestrian and vehicular access points to ensure access can be controlled at required times. The lower level of Manvers Street CP is currently subjected to unauthorised encampments and associated anti social behaviour. Activities witnessed and evidenced include substance misuse; harassment of car park customers; human defecation and burning of materials used in encampments such as cardboard, mattresses and tents. There is a significant risk to both public safety and the asset. This project will allow the area to be temporarily secured overnight, helping to improve the council's ability to manage the location and reduce the impact of the behaviours that place people and the asset at risk. Whilst it's noted this project may displace those using the car park in this way, the council must prioritise the safety of people using the site and those living nearby. By not facilitating encampments in a location that has no welfare provision and which may also place individuals at risk of harm, the project encourages those individuals to engage with appropriate support provided by the council and local organisations, such as Julian House, who provide shelter and additional support to vulnerable adults.
Date of Decision: December 20, 2024