

Decision Maker: Director of Place Management


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: The Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (HIAMP) sets out the Council’s plans and commitments for the management of its highway assets for now and the near future. The high demand combined with pressures on Local Authority budgets drive the need to ensure that any money is invested as astutely as possible. The plan also aligns with our Journey to Net Zero ambitions to deliver a transport network that is fit for the future, ensuring that our highway hierarchy promotes sustainable travel for all. The documents are closely aligned with the Council’s core objectives and conform to the recommendations contained in the United Kingdom’s Roads Liaison Group (UKRLG) Code of Practice “Well-managed Highway Infrastructure”, the best practices in the Department for Transports (DfT) Highway Maintenance Efficiency Programme (HMEP) guidance document “Highway Infrastructure Asset Management”, International asset management models, such as the Institute of Asset Management’s PAS 55 specification published in 2008 and ISO 55000. The HIAMP suite of documents contains the strategic processes involved in the management and maintenance of all highway infrastructure assets through long-term planning and the best allocation of resources in managing risk and meeting the statutory/performance requirements of the authority most efficiently and sustainably. On operational level, the local highway network consists of over 1100km of carriageways as well as cycle ways, footways, public rights of way, bridges, retaining walls, drainage, traffic signals, traffic management systems and public transport infrastructure.?These assets take significant resources and knowledge to manage them effectively. We also recognise the increasing likelihood of challenges and demands that are placed upon our assets that we cannot control, such as the effect of extreme weather events with harsh winters, storms, and flooding becoming more common. The service standards, targets and projected budgetary expenditure contained within the HIAMP will be continually monitored and a report produced each year to highlight the budget spend and the current condition of each asset.


Date of Decision: January 3, 2025