
The Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee has decided to conduct a feasibility study to improve parking accessibility for residents of Baron Close and Pier Road in Gillingham.


outcome: The committee acknowledged the petition and officer actions, considered the petition referral, and requested a feasibility study to address parking accessibility, including a review of garage usage.

summary: The decision concerns a petition about parking issues in Baron Close, Gillingham, where residents face difficulties due to limited parking space exacerbated by the installation of dropped kerbs and the presence of garages.

topline: The Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee has decided to conduct a feasibility study to improve parking accessibility for residents of Baron Close and Pier Road in Gillingham.

reason_contentious: The issue is contentious due to the impact on residents' daily lives, particularly for disabled individuals, and the potential changes to local infrastructure.

affected_stakeholders: Residents of Baron Close and Pier Road, particularly disabled residents, garage users, and local ward councillors.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: Councillor Price, as a Ward Member, was involved in the discussion, which may imply political influence, but no specific political party influence is mentioned.


Decision Maker: Regeneration, Culture and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Outcome: Decision made

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: Discussion: Members considered a report which advised the Committee of petitions received by the Council which fell within the remit of the Committee, including a summary of the responses sent to the petition organisers by officers. One petition had been referred to the Committee for consideration. This related to parking in Baron Close, Gillingham.   The lead petitioner and Councillor Price as Ward Member were invited to speak to explain why the Council’s response to the petition had been referred to the Committee. The following points were made:   • Residents in Pier Road were unable to park in front of their properties due to the topography and their only available parking and access by vehicle was at the rear of the properties on Baron Close.   • The available space for parking in Baron Close had been eroded by the number of dropped kerbs installed over recent years and this has impacted on residents some of whom were disabled.   • There are several garages in Baron Close and it was requested that a reduction in the number of garages be explored by looking at usage and size of the garages as this could assist in improving the availability of parking in Baron Close.   The Parking Business Manager informed the Committee that to date four dropped kerbs had been installed and whilst this had reduced the kerb space it had allowed the residents of those properties to park on the front of their properties rather than on the road.   The Assistant Director, Culture and Community confirmed that the garages were in decent condition and 12 of the 15 garages were currently being let.  No further information about usage of these garages was currently available.   In discussing the petition, the following responses were made to questions from Members:   Members were concerned about the lack of sufficient parking available particularly for disabled residents. Questions were also raised about the garages.  It was proposed that a feasibility study should be undertaken. This would consider parking accessibility issues and the garages.   Decision: The Committee:   a)    Noted the petition responses and appropriate officer action in paragraph 3 of the report.   b)    Considered the petition referral request in paragraph 4 and the Director of Place and Deputy Chief Executive’s response.   c)    Requested a feasibility study in relation to parking accessibility for residents on Baron Close and Pier Road, including a review of the use of the garages. This would be undertaken in consultation with ward councillors and the petitioner.  

Date of Decision: June 15, 2023