
The Cabinet has decided to authorize changes to a Partnership Agreement to ensure the Joint Committee's continued effective operation.


outcome: The Cabinet authorized the Director of Corporate Resources to enter into the Deed of Variation.

summary: The decision involves authorizing the Director of Corporate Resources to enter into a Deed of Variation to amend a Partnership Agreement for the continued effective operation of a Joint Committee.

topline: The Cabinet has decided to authorize changes to a Partnership Agreement to ensure the Joint Committee's continued effective operation.

reason_contentious: The issue does not appear to be contentious as there are no alternative options considered, no interests declared, and no dispensations granted, suggesting consensus or lack of controversy.

affected_stakeholders: The Joint Committee, the Cabinet, and potentially the services or areas governed by the Partnership Agreement.

contentiousness_score: 0

political_party_relevance: There is no mention of political parties or explicit political influence on the decision.


Decision Maker:


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: It was RESOLVED: -   That Cabinet authorised the Director of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance to enter into the Deed of Variation at Appendix A to the report.   REASON FOR DECISION To enable changes to be made to the Partnership Agreement dated 7 January 2011 to ensure the continued effective operation of the Joint Committee Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: The recommended option is set out in the Recommendations. There are no other available options.    Any Declarations of Interests Declared: None Any Dispensation Granted: None  

Date of Decision: