
The Cabinet has decided to formally acknowledge the minutes from the Overview Committee meeting held on October 12, 2023.


outcome: The Cabinet agreed to note the Minutes of the Overview Committee meeting that took place on October 12, 2023.

summary: The decision was about whether to formally acknowledge and accept the record of minutes from a previous Overview Committee meeting.

topline: The Cabinet has decided to formally acknowledge the minutes from the Overview Committee meeting held on October 12, 2023.

reason_contentious: The issue does not appear to be contentious as it involves a routine procedural action of noting minutes from a committee meeting, which is a standard practice in council operations.

affected_stakeholders: The stakeholders affected by this decision are primarily the members of the Cabinet and the Overview Committee, as well as any individuals or groups who have an interest in the proceedings of the council.

contentiousness_score: 0

political_party_relevance: There is no mention of political parties or political influence in the decision, as it pertains to a procedural matter.


Decision Maker: Cabinet


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: Members agreed to note the Minutes of Minutes of Overview Committee held on 12 October 2023.

Date of Decision: November 29, 2023