
The Remuneration Board has decided to finalize and publish its Annual Report for 2022-23, reflecting strategic objectives for the Sixth Senedd and planning engagement activities for its release.


outcome: The Board agreed on the draft content of the report, the new layout, and the communication and engagement activities. The report is to be formally approved out of meeting and published in July.

summary: The decision involves the finalization and publication of the Remuneration Board's Annual Report for 2022-23, including its new layout and strategic objectives for the Sixth Senedd, as well as planning for communication and engagement activities surrounding the report's release.

topline: The Remuneration Board has decided to finalize and publish its Annual Report for 2022-23, reflecting strategic objectives for the Sixth Senedd and planning engagement activities for its release.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to potential disagreements among stakeholders on the report's content, strategic objectives, or the implications of the decisions made by the Remuneration Board, which could affect salaries, allowances, and expenses of Members and their staff.

affected_stakeholders: Members of the Senedd, their support staff, and potentially the wider public sector and taxpayers are affected by this decision.

contentiousness_score: The contentiousness score is not explicitly provided, but it could vary depending on the specific content of the report and the current political climate. It could range from low to high (0-10) based on stakeholder reactions.

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision, but as it involves the remuneration of elected officials, there may be an underlying political relevance.


Decision Maker: Remuneration Board

Outcome: Complete

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: 7     Annual Report 2022-23 Discussion -       The Board agreed the draft content of the report and suggested additional items to include. The Board agreed to formally approve the report out of meeting in order to publish in July. -       The Board agreed the new layout of the report, that it will be organised under each of the strategic objectives agreed for the Sixth Senedd, reflecting its commitment in the Mid-term Effectiveness Review to report against its strategic work programme. -       The Board agreed its communications and engagement activity to promote the publication of the report, agreeing to hold an event aimed at Members and Support Staff to provide an opportunity for engagement on the Board’s annual report, on its strategic work programme and a look ahead.  Action: -       Secretariat to circulate revised draft to the Board for agreement before end of June to prepare for publication ahead of the July engagement event. -       Secretariat to meet with Chiefs of Staff to flag proposed virtual publication event.  

Date of Decision: May 18, 2023