
The South Wales Police and Crime Panel has decided to approve the recommendations for the Police and Crime Plan Priorities, including an Anti-Racism Action Plan and measures to improve public confidence in policing.


outcome: The recommendations presented by the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner were approved by the South Wales Police and Crime Panel.

summary: The decision involves the approval of recommendations related to the Police and Crime Plan Priorities, which include improving public confidence, implementing an Anti-Racism Action Plan, enhancing policing in neighborhoods, advancing digital leadership, and strengthening partnerships.

topline: The South Wales Police and Crime Panel has decided to approve the recommendations for the Police and Crime Plan Priorities, including an Anti-Racism Action Plan and measures to improve public confidence in policing.

reason_contentious: The issue is contentious due to its impact on community relations, particularly regarding anti-racism efforts, public confidence in policing, and the use of technologies like facial recognition, which have raised privacy and civil liberties concerns.

affected_stakeholders: Local communities, particularly minority groups, victims of domestic abuse, women and girls, police officers, and the broader public affected by crime and policing strategies.

contentiousness_score: 7

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision within the provided text, but policing and crime prevention are often influenced by broader political agendas and party policies.


Decision Maker: South Wales Police and Crime Panel

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: A Michael, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner introduced and provided Panel with a detailed update on the Police and Crime Plan Priorities included within the report (Improving Public Confidence; Anti-Racism Action Plan; Policing our Neighbourhoods & Digital Leadership and Strengthening Working in Partnership).   E Wools, Deputy South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner provided further detail with regard to the Anti-Racism Plan with particular emphasis on Participation & Engagement with Communities and Transparency & Accountability.   The Commissioner advised that the final formatted document will be brought to the June meeting, but is summarised providing further information using the examples of ‘Out of Court Disposals’ and ‘Facial Recognition’ and Chief Constable Jeremy Vaughan’s statement.   The following questions were raised and answered by the Commissioner and his Team and an offer of further information being provided to Panel in report format in response to the any questions raised. Any specific questions please send directly to Emma Wools.   ·       Is there is a minimum term for a PCSO to serve (tenure approach) before being recruited as a Police Officer?   ·       Page 13 refers to cutting edge counter-corruption technology, do you feel you are doing enough?    ·       When will the South Wales Listens Platform be deployed/rolled out?   ·       Page 22 - Clarity and assurance sought on initiatives surrounding domestic abuse.   ·       Are you going to be looking at addressing the culture of the organisation and the obstacles that are being faced?   ·       The report refers to public confidence being significantly undermined, what significant impact do you think this will make in the reporting of crime?   ·       What are the conviction rates on crime against women and girls?   ·       Clarity and further information sought on the ten year comparative look on incidence of crime. The Commissioner agreed to pick this up as an item for a future panel meeting.   The Commissioner concluded by addressing the matter of organisational culture and the importance of leadership.   The Chair and Panel thanked the Commissioner and his Team for the report presented.

Date of Decision: April 25, 2023