outcome: The Head of Planning was delegated the power to approve the planning application with 18 specific conditions.
summary: The decision involves granting the Head of Planning the authority to approve a planning application with specific conditions related to construction, environmental management, and compliance with local standards and regulations over a period of 5 years.
topline: The council has decided to delegate approval authority to the Head of Planning for a development project, subject to a comprehensive list of conditions aimed at ensuring environmental responsibility and adherence to local standards.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the potential impact on the local environment, the imposition of specific aesthetic and functional requirements on the development, and the inclusion of affordable housing and biodiversity considerations, which can be sensitive topics in community development.
affected_stakeholders: Local residents, developers, environmental groups, potential homeowners, and local government planning departments are affected by this decision.
contentiousness_score: The contentiousness score could vary depending on stakeholder perspectives but might be around 5 if there is a moderate level of public interest or opposition.
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence in the decision provided.
Decision Maker:
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: DECISION: To delegate the power to the Head of Planning to approve the application 1. 5 years 2. In accordance with the plans 3. Slate on the roof 4. Highway conditions - entrance, estate road, turning space, kerbs, footway, height of wall/hedge/fence 5. Details of fencing and flooding diversion 6. Plan of system to control surface water 7. Environmental Management Plan - to include lighting scheme and biodiversity improvements 8. Construction Environmental Management Plan 9. The applicant should adopt and comply with plan number TR-01-VR in the Tree Restrictions Preliminary Report (03.06.13) submitted with application number CO9A/0412/26/LL, and to also appoint a tree specialist and ensure that the obstructions are removed 10. All the work on the trees must be carried out in accordance with British Standard 5837: 2012 11. Landscaping 12. Removal of permitted delegated rights for the affordable units 13. To agree on external finish 14. The southern gable-end window of dwelling 5 on plan number BP/CB/12 submitted as part of application number C09A/0412/26/LL must be of opaque glass and permanently closed 15. Welsh names must be used for the development hereby permitted to include the name of the houses and the streets 16. The houses hereby permitted must only be used for residential use within the C3 Use Class as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) and not for any other use, including any other use within C Use Classes 17. Affordable Housing Scheme agreement condition 18. Biodiversity Condition
Date of Decision: