outcome: The policy was approved, mandating that overseas travel for elected members will be minimized and only considered under exceptional circumstances with clear, measurable benefits to the city and its residents.
summary: The decision is about adopting a policy that governs overseas travel and engagement for elected members of the Leicester City Council, emphasizing the minimization of such travel for cost and sustainability reasons.
topline: The City Mayor has decided to adopt a new policy that restricts overseas travel for elected members, focusing on cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability.
reason_contentious: The issue could be contentious due to potential disagreements over what constitutes 'exceptional circumstances' and the balance between the benefits of overseas engagement and the costs/sustainability concerns.
affected_stakeholders: Elected members of the council, local residents, environmental groups, and potentially international partners.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision.
Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To seek approval for a policy which defines Leicester City Council’s approach to overseas engagement and visits by elected members. The policy specifies that the Council will at all times seek to minimise overseas travel on the basis of both cost and sustainability considerations and such travel will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where there can be clearly evidenced and measurable benefits to the city and residents that would be capable of standing up to public scrutiny.
Content: To seek approval for a policy which defines Leicester City Council’s approach to overseas engagement and visits by elected members. The policy specifies that the Council will at all times seek to minimise overseas travel on the basis of both cost and sustainability considerations and such travel will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where there can be clearly evidenced and measurable benefits to the city and residents that would be capable of standing up to public scrutiny. Approval to adopt a policy on overseas visits and engagement for elected members which specifies that the Council will at all times seek to minimise overseas travel on the basis of both cost and sustainability considerations and such travel will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where there can be clearly evidenced and measurable benefits to the city and residents that would be capable of standing up to public scrutiny. To ensure opportunities or benefits to the city and residents arising from overseas engagement are appropriately weighted against a number of other factors including the Council’s significantly challenging financial position, the need for public transparency and accountability, and the environmental impact of travel in the context of the Council’s declared climate emergency. N/A
Date of Decision: January 15, 2024