
The Strategy and Resources Committee has decided to update and agree on the Council's Anti-Fraud and Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, and Bribery Act policies.


outcome: The Strategy and Resources Committee agreed to the updated policies as presented in the report.

summary: The decision involves the review and amendment of the Council's Anti-Fraud and Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, and Bribery Act policies to ensure they are current and address all key areas of fraud risk.

topline: The Strategy and Resources Committee has decided to update and agree on the Council's Anti-Fraud and Corruption, Anti-Money Laundering, and Bribery Act policies.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the potential impact on how the Council handles financial integrity and fraud prevention, which can be sensitive topics involving public trust and the use of public funds.

affected_stakeholders: Council members, local government employees, residents, local businesses, and any parties involved in financial transactions with the Council.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision within the provided text.


Decision Maker: Strategy and Resources Committee


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The Committee considered the report of the Director of Strategy and Resources seeking a review of the Council’s following policies:   ·                Anti-Fraud and Corruption (attached as Appendix 1 to the report);   ·                Anti-Money Laundering Policy (Appendix 2);   ·                Bribery Act Policy (Appendix 3).   It was noted that the Policies (detailed above) had been reviewed and amended to ensure that they were up to date and covered all key areas of fraud risk.  The Policies worked alongside existing policies and processes and sought to reduce the risks of financial fraud to the Council.   In response to a question regarding Anti-Money Laundering reporting requirements for Local Authorities and when the Council’s Whistleblowing Policy was last reviewed, Members were advised that Officers would circulate this information outside of the meeting.   The Chairperson moved the recommendation set out in the report and this was duly agreed.   RESOLVED that the following Policies (attached as appendices to the report) be agreed:   ·                Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy;   ·                Anti-Money Laundering Policy;   ·                Bribery Act Policy.

Date of Decision: July 20, 2023