outcome: The council has approved the commissioning of new accommodation-based homelessness support service contracts, the decommissioning of the community homelessness support service contract, and the delegation of contract awarding to the Corporate Director and/or Service Director.
summary: The decision involves the restructuring of homelessness support services by commissioning new accommodation-based contracts and decommissioning the existing community support contract to reallocate funds.
topline: The council has decided to overhaul homelessness support by commissioning new services and reallocating funds.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to potential impacts on the current beneficiaries of the community support services, concerns from local stakeholders about the effectiveness of the new approach, and possible opposition from political groups or community organizations advocating for the homeless.
affected_stakeholders: Homeless individuals, current service providers, potential new service contractors, community organizations, and local taxpayers.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence in the decision, but such decisions often have political implications due to funding allocation and social policy priorities.
Decision Maker:
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: Regarding the delivery of Supported Living Services in Buckinghamshire from April 2024
Content: Recommendations: 1. Commission new Accommodation-Based Homelessness Support Service contracts. 2. Decommission the Community Homelessness Support Service contract. This will enable the available funding to be directed into the accommodation-based services to create sustainable contract values. 3. To delegate the decision to award contracts to the Corporate Director and/or Service Director for Planning, Growth & Sustainability in line with the approved scheme of delegation
Date of Decision: