
The council has decided to revise the Capital Programme budget, adding new funds and reallocating resources to ensure a realistic and deliverable plan.


outcome: The council resolved to add new funding, release certain budget amounts, remove specific budget items due to no longer needing to borrow, reallocate funds for reinvestment, and reprofile funds across future years.

summary: The decision involves the revision and reallocation of the Capital Programme budget for the years 2023-27, including the addition of new funds, release of existing funds, removal of certain budget items, and reprofiling of funds across different years.

topline: The council has decided to revise the Capital Programme budget, adding new funds and reallocating resources to ensure a realistic and deliverable plan.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the reallocation of funds from certain projects, which could affect stakeholders' interests, and the removal of funds from the budget, which may impact planned developments or services.

affected_stakeholders: Local schools, developers, recipients of externally funded grants, and the general public who benefit from the Capital Programme's projects.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence in the decision, but as it is a council decision, underlying political dynamics may be present.


Decision Maker:


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: Quarterly report

Content: The Capital Programme for 2023-24 to 2026-27 had been approved by Full Council in February 2023, with an expenditure budget of £505.9m. The programme had been revised to £556.8m following additions agreed by Cabinet in July 2023 and to £582.6m by Cabinet in November 2023.   The Council often received ringfenced funding in-year from Government and developers that were added to the programme in a supplementary budget change. Additionally, the programme was reviewed quarterly to check that the profiled spend remained realistic.   The Cabinet report set out the recommended additions and reprofiling for Quarter 3, and recommended the projects listed in Table 3 to be reduced or removed from the programme. These budget changes would ensure the programme remained realistic and deliverable, and released budget for reinvestment.  The recommended changes would reduce the 2023-24 current year budget from £124.5m to £119.6m.   RESOLVED –   (1)               The addition of £4.602m in the current year 2023/24 for new externally funded ringfenced grants, Section 106 developer contributions, or ringfenced capital receipts (Table 1). (2)               The release of £5.56m the Schools Secondary Schools places and SEN budgets (Table 2). (3)               The removal of £0.185m where borrowing requirements no longer apply (Table 3). (4)               The reallocation of £5.106m consisting of £4.653m from projects budgets recommended for reinvestment in priority projects with the Final Budget and Capital Programme 2024-25 to 2027-28, and an increase of £0.638m in the Capital Contingency from underspend released on the project (Table 3). (5)               Reprofiling of £9.3m from 2023/24 into future years (Table 4).

Date of Decision: