
The Planning Committee has decided to refuse the variation of a condition and the removal of two other conditions for a site within Ancells Farm, citing inadequate information from the applicant.


outcome: The Planning Committee would have refused the application due to unsatisfactory information and data provided by the applicant, had they been able to determine the application before a planning appeal was lodged.

summary: The decision involves the variation of a condition and the removal of two other conditions attached to a previously granted planning permission for a site within the Ancells Farm area.

topline: The Planning Committee has decided to refuse the variation of a condition and the removal of two other conditions for a site within Ancells Farm, citing inadequate information from the applicant.

reason_contentious: The issue is contentious because it involves the local planning authority's assessment of the adequacy of information provided by the applicant, which impacts the local community's development and environment.

affected_stakeholders: Local residents, the applicant, the local planning authority, the Ward Councillor, and potentially local businesses and environmental groups.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision, but the involvement of the Ward Councillor and the Planning Committee may imply political considerations.


Decision Maker: Planning Committee


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: Variation of Condition 7 and the associated removal of Conditions 15 and 16 attached to Planning Permission 21/02894/AMCON dated 1 June 2022.   DECISION - had the Local Planning Authority had the opportunity to determine the application prior to the lodging of a planning appeal against non-determination, the recommendation would have been to REFUSE.   Authority has been delegated to relevant Officers, along with the Chairman of Planning Committee and the Ward Councillor to detail the reasons for refusal.   A primary reason for the REFUSAL is that the Committee agreed that unsatisfactory information and data specific to the site within Ancells Farm area was submitted by the applicant to justify that the original planning conditions were not necessary.    

Date of Decision: September 13, 2023