
The Cabinet has decided to approve the proposals for the establishment of a Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Accommodation Business Improvement District.


outcome: The Cabinet approved the recommendations to proceed with the ABID proposal, including the delegation of various responsibilities and noting the Council's role in the event of a successful ABID ballot.

summary: The decision involves the establishment of a Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Accommodation Business Improvement District (ABID) to increase investment in local tourism and community initiatives.

topline: The Cabinet has decided to approve the proposals for the establishment of a Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Accommodation Business Improvement District.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the potential impact on local businesses, the imposition of a BID levy, and the influence on the local economy and community.

affected_stakeholders: Local businesses, tourism sector, community members, the Council, and visitors to the area.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties, but the decision may have political implications given the involvement of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Tourism.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: To enable the set up of a Tourism Levy by endorsing ballot proposals to establish an Accommodation BID. Also for the Council to vote in favour of the ballot as a levy payer. Also to collect the levy and accept a voting seat on the ABID board for its initial 5 year term

Content: RESOLVED that: - (a)            Cabinet note the proposals for the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Accommodation BID from the ABID Shadow Board BID Proposer (b)           Delegate to the Director of Law and Governance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Tourism to confirm that the ABID proposals do not conflict with any policy formally adopted by, and contained in a document published by, the Council. (c)            Delegate to the Chief Executive the authority to instruct the Ballot Holder to hold a BID ballot. (d)           Delegate to the Chief Operations Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Tourism, the Council’s vote on the ballot, as a levy member operating the Bournemouth Beach Lodges (e)            Noting that if the ABID is approved, the Council will be responsible as the Billing Authority for collection of the BID levy in accordance with the BID arrangements. (f)             Note that the Council has been offered, and would accept a permanent voting seat on the ABID Board for the 5-year term. The Council’s voting representative to be the Leader of the Council or a deputy nominated by them Voting: Unanimous Portfolio Holder: Connected Communities Reason A successful ballot would lead to a significant step change in the levels of investment across destination, raising at least £2m a year to invest in marketing, events, placemaking and partnership activities over the course of the 5-year term of the ABID. Its purpose, to support growth in the visitor economy by targeting an increase in higher value staying visitors throughout the year. The proposals support the Council’s plans to deliver a balanced medium term financial plan by supporting growth of the local economy with no additional costs to the Council. Enabling the community to take forward this initiative is fully aligned to the Council’s Corporate Plan strategic aims and objectives including Place & Environment and People & Communities.  

Date of Decision: March 6, 2024