
The Council has decided to increase the Council Tax for the 2024/2025 fiscal year by 3.09%, setting the Band D amount at £166.78.


outcome: The Council approved the recommendations, resulting in a Council Tax Band D amount of £166.78, which is a £5 per year increase (3.09%).

summary: The decision at stake was to set the Council Tax for the 2024/2025 fiscal year, which involved approving the Revenue and Capital Budgets and establishing the tax requirement.

topline: The Council has decided to increase the Council Tax for the 2024/2025 fiscal year by 3.09%, setting the Band D amount at £166.78.

reason_contentious: The issue could be contentious due to the increase in Council Tax, which affects all taxpayers in the jurisdiction, and the need to balance the budget while maintaining adequate financial reserves.

affected_stakeholders: Taxpayers, local government departments, service beneficiaries, town and parish councils, Devon County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: The decision was proposed and seconded by Councillors Paul Hayward and Paul Arnott, but there is no explicit mention of political parties or political influence in the decision.


Decision Maker: Council

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The Chair invited members to consider the report of the Council’s Director of Finance to enable the Council to calculate and set the Council Tax for 2024/2025.   In agreeing to the Cabinet recommendations on the Revenue and Capital Budgets 2024/2025 (Minute Number 133) on 31 January 2024 this would give the Council Tax requirement for this Council of £10,414,911 resulting in a Council Tax Band D amount of £166.78.  Council noted that this was an increase of £5 a year (3.09%), which was within the threshold stipulated by government before triggering a council tax referendum.   In accordance with Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 the Chief Financial Officer (Director of Finance) had reported to the authority on the robustness of the 2024/25 budgets and was satisfied with the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves. The 2024/25 budget recommended by Cabinet was balanced with expenditure matched by available income.    The Council noted that there was a legal requirement for the Council to set a budget and associated Council Tax; the process for Council Tax Billing starts the day after the Council meeting in order to meet the necessary deadlines (bill printing, dispatch and appropriate direct debit notifications etc.). The obligation to make a lawful budget each year is shared equally by each Member.  A similar deadline is associated with council house rent accounts.   The Council Tax setting process is that all preceptors (Devon County Council, Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority and town and parish councils) set their budgets and relevant council tax requirement and then this Council, as the billing authority, formally sets the Council Tax for the area to include all the amounts to be collected.   The Chair of Council reminded members that in line with legislation that came into force on 25 February 2014, The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014, a recorded vote would be taken.   Councillor Paul Hayward proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Councillor Paul Arnott and having been duly proposed and seconded the Council RESOLVED:  That the formal Council Tax Resolution, as printed in Appendix A is approved.   Recorded vote on the budget:   For (44): Cllrs Paul Arnott, Jess Bailey, Ian Barlow, Kevin Blakey, Kim Bloxham, Colin Brown, Jenny Brown, Alasdair Bruce, Chris Burhop, Maddy Chapman, Bethany Collins, Roy Collins, Olly Davey, Tim Dumper, Peter Faithfull, Paula Fernley, Mike Goodman, Del Haggerty, Anne Hall, Matt Hall, Marcus Hartnell, Sam Hawkins, Paul Hayward, John Heath, Nick Hookway, Stuart Hughes, Ben Ingham, Sarah Jackson, Richard Jefferies, Geoff Jung, Dan Ledger, Yehuda Levine, John Loudoun, Duncan Mackinder, Melanie Martin, Tony McCollum, Todd Oliver, Helen Parr, Henry Riddell, Marianne Rixson, Eleanor Rylance, Andrew Toye, Susan Westerman, Joe Whibley and Daniel Wilson.   Against:  None.   Abstentions:  None.

Date of Decision: February 21, 2024