
The council has decided to proceed with the Lynnsport 1 development to deliver 96 homes in partnership with Lovell Partnership Limited.


outcome: The decision was approved to proceed with the development, delegate authority for finalizing the contract, dispose of properties as planned, potentially lease to housing companies, and classify the development as a Major Project.

summary: The decision involves proceeding with the development of 96 homes at Lynnsport 1, including the approval of a Project Partnering Contract with Lovell Partnership Limited, disposal of properties according to a specified tenure mix, potential leasing to housing companies, and classifying the development as a Major Project.

topline: The council has decided to proceed with the Lynnsport 1 development to deliver 96 homes in partnership with Lovell Partnership Limited.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the impact on local housing, potential changes in the community, environmental concerns, and the involvement of public resources and private partnerships in the development project.

affected_stakeholders: Local residents, Lovell Partnership Limited, West Norfolk Housing Company (WNHC), West Norfolk Property Limited (WNPL), council members, and potential future tenants or homeowners.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision in the provided text.


Decision Maker:


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: RESOLVED:           That the following be approved:            1)       To proceed with the Lynnsport 1 development to deliver 96 homes with Lovell Partnership Limited (LPL) under the Major Housing Partnership Development Management Agreement (30 April 2015).   2)             That the Executive Director - Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Business and Monitoring Officer be given delegated authority to approve the final terms of a Project Partnering Contract (PPC) 2000 with LPL to deliver this project.   3)             That the Council shall dispose of the properties in accordance with the tenure mix as set out in Table 2 of the report. In line with the corporate strategy.   4)             Pending the transfers referred to at resolution 3 above, the affordable and private rented tenures may be leased to WNHC and WNPL respectively.   5)             That the Development be formally classed as a Major Project.   RECOMMENDED:   1)             That Council approve the Capital budget estimate as detailed in section 5 and appendix 2 of the report.   Reason for Decision   ·      Deliver housing of a range of tenures to meet local needs ·      To deliver on Council Corporate Objectives:   o   Promote growth and prosperity to benefit West Norfolk; o   Protect our environment; o   Efficient and effective delivery of our services; and, o   Support our communities. ·      To deliver affordable and private rented (PRS) housing for acquisition by the council’s wholly owned housing companies to support the delivery of council corporate objectives. ·      As a major project, it may be monitored by the Members Major Project Board. ·      Cabinet did not resolve to exclude the press and public for discussion on  the exempt appendix.   

Date of Decision: