outcome: The Executive Committee approved the recommendations to allocate the funds for the housing project and community support.
summary: The decision involves allocating £961k from the Council's Second Homes Council Tax Affordable Housing Investment Budget for an affordable housing project at Upper Langlee and an additional £12k to support community-led affordable housing initiatives across the Borders.
topline: The Executive Committee has decided to allocate £973k to support the delivery of an affordable housing project and community-led housing initiatives in the Borders.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the significant financial commitment and the potential impact on local communities, housing availability, and the prioritization of funds.
affected_stakeholders: Local communities, Waverley Housing, South of Scotland Community Housing, potential residents of the new affordable housing, and taxpayers.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision within the provided text.
Decision Maker: Executive Committee
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: There had been circulated copies of a report by the Director – Infrastructure and Environment which sought approval of an allocation of £961k in financial commitment from the Council’s Second Homes Council Tax Affordable Housing Investment Budget to support the delivery of the identified affordable housing project at Upper Langlee and an additional £12k to support community led affordable housing opportunities across the Borders. As first reported in SHIP 2019-2024, the Council had been working closely with Waverley Housing to progress the regeneration of former public sector housing in and around the Beech Avenue area in Upper Langlee. That was a high-cost regeneration project with estimated costs of over £30m, requiring a total of £961k grant assistance to progress phase 1 delivery. South of Scotland Community Housing (SOSCH) provided long-term support to community organisations relative to the planning and delivery of community-led housing. £12k was required to support SOSCH with the early stages of project development work on behalf of communities. The sums recommended for approval supported the delivery of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) 2024-2029 which was approved in October 2023 and the Local Housing Strategy 2023-28. Contextual commentary on the SHIP and current challenges in delivery and the financial assistance required was also outlined. Members welcomed the report and highlighted the positive impact that the project could have on Galashiels. DECISION AGREED to:- (a) approve the use of £961k to ensure the delivery of phase 1 of the affordable housing development at Upper Langlee; (b) approve the use of £12k to support South of Scotland Community Housing with community led affordable housing projects; and (c) delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Procurement to liaise with Waverley Housing and agree the timing and payment arrangements for the £961k.
Date of Decision: December 5, 2023