
The Chief Executive has decided to approve the recommendations.


outcome: The recommendations put forth were approved by the Chief Executive.

summary: The specifics of what is at stake in the decision are not provided in the text given.

topline: The Chief Executive has decided to approve the recommendations.

reason_contentious: Without additional context, it is not possible to determine the contentious nature of the issue.

affected_stakeholders: The affected stakeholders cannot be identified from the provided information.

contentiousness_score: 0

political_party_relevance: There is no mention or implication of political parties or political influence in the decision from the given text.


Decision Maker: Chief Executive

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: The Council’s 30-year business plan for its Housing Revenue Account (HRA) underpins its strategic thinking and helps evaluate forthcoming plans holistically. This is critical when the national focus is on local authorities accelerating delivery and, as this report outlines, the Council is looking to expand its own new-build plans and acquisitions. The financial model forecast that the HRA business plan continues to be a robust and viable business and is able to deliver its key priorities, even in the context of a significantly increased programme. However, national political, economic and legislative changes could adversely affect the financial position, so risks must be considered and capacity built into the overall model. This report included, as an appendix (Appendix D), the Council’s new Affordable Housing Delivery Plan 2019-2023 for members to endorse, which sets out how the right homes will be delivered in the right places and the strategic context in which the delivery programme sits, enabling work with Registered Providers and acquisitions (land and on-street purchases). Agree that given the positive impact of street purchases on the overall programme, the existing delegation to the Head of Housing (no.14.9) be amended as set out in paragraph 35 of the 2019 October Cabinet report. In line with the above the acquisition of 129 properties off the open market have been completed since the date of this report..


Date of Decision: October 10, 2019