outcome: The Cabinet approved the Highways and Transport capital investment proposals, an additional £30 million investment by the county council for highway maintenance, and the progression of developer funded highway improvement projects.
summary: The decision is about approving a significant investment in road repairs, maintenance, and improvements in Staffordshire, including a £50 million investment from the county council and additional funds secured through the Levelling Up Fund.
topline: The Cabinet has decided to approve a substantial investment in Staffordshire's road network, including repairs, maintenance, and improvements, with a focus on enhancing connectivity and addressing potholes.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the impact on local communities, the prioritization of funds, and the potential disruption during roadworks. However, good road conditions are generally a popular public demand.
affected_stakeholders: Local residents, businesses, commuters, cyclists, environmental groups, and local government.
contentiousness_score: 4
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties, but infrastructure investment is often influenced by political priorities and may reflect the agenda of the ruling party in the council.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Details of the proposed capital highway maintenance and transport improvements programme for 2024/25.
Content: ?? ?? ?? “Staffordshire’s huge road network is vital for keeping our county connected and its residents and businesses on the move, and we know that good roads are extremely important to our residents. Over the next three financial years the County Council is planning to carry out at least an extra £50 million worth of repairs and essential maintenance to Staffordshire’s roads, on top of any grant given by government. This includes more road resurfacing schemes and getting potholes repaired quicker. The investment will enable 34 road reconstruction schemes to be carried out, including the resurfacing of junctions/roundabouts at key locations into our towns, 1.5 million sq. m of preventative surface treatments and £2.75M of work to repair highway drainage. This year will also see more than £53 million invested in a range of major projects, vital local improvements, and general road maintenance. In January 2023 we were also successful in securing £19.8M through the Levelling Up Fund for improvements to roads and bus and cycling routes in Staffordshire that will see investment in environmentally friendly buses and active travel between Stafford and Cannock, as well as significant investment around the A38 Branston interchange in Burton upon Trent. However, we recognise that there is always more to be done and we continue to lobby central Government for the money necessary to keep Staffordshire’s roads in the condition we expect and ensure local communities and businesses can see the benefits of an improved highway network.”?? ?? David Williams, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport?? ?? Reasons for the Decision – To consider approving the Highways and Transport Programme 2024/25 to 2026/27. Decision – (a) That the Highways and Transport capital investment proposals (set out in the supporting appendices to the report) be approved and it be noted that, at the time of writing, the allocations from the Department for Transport have not been provided. (b) That the additional investment of £30M by the County Council into highway maintenance to be delivered over the period from 2025/26 to 2026/27 be approved. (c) That the progression of the programme of developer funded s.278/s111 highway improvement projects be approved and that authority be delegated to the Director of Economy, Infrastructure & Skills to agree the details of the works agreements and authorise the contracts for works to be entered into. (d) That the Assistant Director for Highways and the Built County monitors progress of the overall programme and be given delegated authority to make any in-year alterations and additions to the programme in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport.
Date of Decision: March 20, 2024