outcome: The Cabinet decided to enter into a new Section 75 Agreement with MPFT, note the progress of the current agreement, authorize a change control to transfer the existing Mental Health Floating Support Service contract into the Section 75 Agreement, and authorize directors to finalize and implement the agreement commencing 1 April 2025.
summary: The decision involves entering into a new Section 75 Agreement with Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust (MPFT) for the provision of adult social care assessment, case management, and occupational therapy in Staffordshire.
topline: The Cabinet has decided to renew and expand its partnership with Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust to enhance adult social care and support services in Staffordshire.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the potential impact on the quality and delivery of health and social care services, the integration of these services, and the use of public funds. Local stakeholders may have differing opinions on the effectiveness of the partnership and the services provided.
affected_stakeholders: Older people, people with physical disabilities, those living with mental health conditions, Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust, Council, local taxpayers, and potentially other local service providers.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision, but as the decision is made by the Cabinet, which is composed of elected officials, there may be an underlying political context.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: Review of Section 75 Agreement for the provision of adult social care assessment and case management
Content: ?? ?? “This new agreement allows the Council to build on our long-running, successful partnership with Midlands Partnership Foundation NHS Trust. Together, we will continue to put people’s needs at the heart of everything we do and provide integrated health and social care services for older people, people with physical disabilities, and those living with mental health conditions.”??? ?? Mike Wilcox, Cabinet Member for Health and Care? ?? Reasons for the Decision – To consider entering into a new Section 75 Agreement for the provision of adult social care assessment and case management. Decision – (a) That the progress with the current Section 75 Agreement with Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT) be noted. (b) That the Council enter into a new Section 75 Agreement with MPFT to continue to provide adult social care assessment and case management and occupational therapy in Staffordshire. (c) That the completion of a change control to the Section 75 Agreement, to transfer the existing Mental Health Floating Support Service contract with MPFT into the Section 75 Agreement, be authorised. (d) That the Director of Health and Care and Director of Corporate Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Care, be authorised to finalise and implement a Section 75 Agreement for adult social care assessment and case management and occupational therapy commencing 1 April 2025.
Date of Decision: March 20, 2024