
The Cabinet has decided to accept Department for Transport funding to facilitate the delivery of public EV charging infrastructure by the private sector in Staffordshire.


outcome: The council agreed to accept the funding and delegated the final decision on the procurement process to the Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills, in consultation with relevant Cabinet Members. Legal agreements for the installation of EV chargepoints are also to be delegated to the Director.

summary: The decision concerns the acceptance of capital funding from the Department for Transport to enable the private sector to deliver public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Staffordshire.

topline: The Cabinet has decided to accept Department for Transport funding to facilitate the delivery of public EV charging infrastructure by the private sector in Staffordshire.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the potential impact on local landscapes, the allocation of public funds, the involvement of private sector entities in public infrastructure, and the broader implications for climate change and transportation policies.

affected_stakeholders: Local residents, businesses, private sector EV infrastructure providers, local authorities, and environmental groups are affected by this decision.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: While specific political parties are not mentioned, the decision aligns with broader government policies on climate change and green transportation, which can have political implications.


Decision Maker: Cabinet


Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: To provide an update on central government funding for the delivery of electric vehicle infrastructure as well as a proposal to join a local authority consortium led by Midlands Connect to support and maximise delivery, to be considered.

Content: ??                              ??  ??  “It is not the county council’s role or responsibility to install or operate the charging points, but by working with partner local authorities, we will be in the strongest position to attract commercial providers which will undertake this.     Our partnership strategy has identified where the most appropriate places for charging points could be and how we will work with the private sector to facilitate successful delivery. We will also work with businesses to encourage workplace charging and residents to support off-street charging, in addition to people and organisations making planning applications.    We understand that electricity may not be the only type of alternative power for vehicles in future years, but it’s vital that we have our Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure in place as soon as possible.”??  ??  David Williams, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport??    “The County Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and we are making great progress as an organisation to achieve our target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.      We have a role to play in inspiring and making it easier for more people to switch to green and active travel, such as walking and cycling, or the use of electric vehicles. Indeed, the Government has banned the sale of all new petrol and diesel cars beyond 2035 so across the country and in Staffordshire we need to see more charging points installed for electric vehicles in public places, on-street and in workplaces.”???  ??  Simon Tagg, Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change??  ??  Reasons for the Decision – To seek approval to accept capital funding from the Department for Transport (DfT) to enable the private sector to deliver public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in Staffordshire.    Decision – (a) That the Council agrees to accept funding from the Department for Transport to enable the private sector to deliver public EV charging infrastructure in Staffordshire.    (b) That the final decision to either remain in a local authority consortium with Midlands Connect or for Staffordshire County Council to procure an EV infrastructure partner independently be delegated to the Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Infrastructure and Climate Change.     (c) That the completion of any legal agreements associated with the installation of electric vehicle chargepoints, i.e. s50 and SCC private leases, be delegated to the Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Skills.    (d) That the Department for Transport focus for on-street charging infrastructure and the need to include a combination of off-street and on-street provision as a requirement of the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding, be noted.    (e) That the continued collaboration with district and borough councils to allocate LEVI funding to facilitate the installation of EV infrastructure at areas of off-street parking where there is a residential need, be noted. 

Date of Decision: March 20, 2024