
The Cabinet has decided to establish a Joint Enterprise Delivery Committee with Stoke-on-Trent City Council to manage economic development initiatives and funds following the dissolution of the Local Enterprise Partnership.


outcome: The Cabinet endorsed the formation of the Joint Committee, agreed on its Terms of Reference, appointed leaders to the committee, delegated authority for transferring the Careers Hub, and authorized the transfer of LEP reserves to be managed by the Joint Committee, with specific allocations for the Growth Hub, Careers Hub, and Local Visitor Economy Partnership.

summary: The decision involves the formation of a Joint Enterprise Delivery Committee between Staffordshire County Council and Stoke-on-Trent City Council, following the dissolution of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). The committee will focus on business engagement, securing funding for infrastructure and economic growth, and managing initiatives like the growth hub, careers hub, and Local Visitor Economy Partnership.

topline: The Cabinet has decided to establish a Joint Enterprise Delivery Committee with Stoke-on-Trent City Council to manage economic development initiatives and funds following the dissolution of the Local Enterprise Partnership.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the significant impact on local economic development, the allocation of substantial funds, and the potential changes in governance and accountability with the dissolution of the LEP.

affected_stakeholders: Local businesses, Staffordshire County Council, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, employees and beneficiaries of the Growth Hub, Careers Hub, and Local Visitor Economy Partnership, and potentially local residents.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence in the decision, but as it involves local governance, there may be underlying political implications or interests.


Decision Maker: Cabinet


Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: To establish a Joint Committee on behalf of Staffordshire County Council and Stoke on Trent City Council to take all decisions within the budget and policy frameworks for both councils arising from the winding down and cessation of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

Content: ?  ?  ?  “Ensuring our businesses are at the heart of the conversation when local authorities make decisions that affect them is a priority to the county council and together with colleagues at Stoke-on-Trent City Council we will ensure that we build on the foundations put in place by the LEP.     Through our new joint committee we will also be a strong voice for businesses across our area, with a focus on securing funding for infrastructure development and future economic growth, both from government and private investors.    The committee will steer the work of the growth hub, careers hub and the newly established Local Visitor Economy Partnership, which will champion the county and city across the UK and internationally.”??  ?  Philip White, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills?    Reasons for the Decision – To consider establishing a Joint Committee on behalf of Staffordshire County Council and Stoke on Trent City Council to take all decisions within the budget and policy frameworks for both councils arising from the winding down and cessation of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).    Decision – (a) That the approach to form a Joint Enterprise Delivery Committee with Stoke-on-Trent City Council (“Joint Committee”) be endorsed.     (b) That the Terms of Reference for the Joint Committee be agreed.     (c) That the Leader of the Council and Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Economy and Skills be appointed to the Joint Committee.     (d) That all necessary authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Skills and Employability in respect of transferring the Careers Hub to Staffordshire County Council as the accountable body.     (e) That authority be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive & Director for Corporate Services to sign the Asset Transfer Agreement to formally transfer the SSLEP reserves to SCC as the Accountable Body for the LEP, with the reserves to be managed through the Joint Committee.     (f) That, once the SSLEP reserves are formally transferred to SCC as accountable body, the following funds are immediately ring-fenced (subject to Cabinet approval at Stoke-on-Trent City Council):                        i.SSLEP reserves of £298,250 and £425,934 are allocated to the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Growth Hub and Careers Hub respectively as a rolling contingency, thereby allowing an additional year of these services to be funded should national grants not be provided in 2025/2026, or any subsequent year.                     ii.SSLEP reserves of £324,130 are allocated to be spent on the establishment and work programme of the Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Local Visitor Economy Partnership (LVEP).   

Date of Decision: March 20, 2024