
The Deputy City Mayor - Housing and Neighbourhoods has decided to approve the use of £6.7 million to secure 27 affordable housing units to aid refugee resettlement and combat homelessness.


outcome: The recommendations were approved, allowing for the use of funds to secure the housing units and the addition of the amount to the HRA capital program.

summary: The decision involves the allocation of £6.7 million to acquire 27 affordable housing units in the city, aimed at supporting refugee resettlement and reducing homelessness.

topline: The Deputy City Mayor - Housing and Neighbourhoods has decided to approve the use of £6.7 million to secure 27 affordable housing units to aid refugee resettlement and combat homelessness.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the significant financial commitment, the impact on local housing markets, and potential political debates on the best approach to address refugee resettlement and homelessness.

affected_stakeholders: Local residents, refugees, homeless individuals, taxpayers, local government, and housing developers.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties, but the decision could be influenced by the political priorities of the party in power at the local council.


Decision Maker: Deputy City Mayor - Housing and Neighbourhoods

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: Yes

Is Callable In?: Yes

Purpose: To seek approval for the use of £6.7m to secure 27 affordable housing units across the city, funded from £3m of grant (Local Authority Housing Fund) and £3.7m of HRA borrowing. This will be used to meet the needs specified in the grant conditions, notably for refugee resettlement and to alleviate pressures on homelessness services.

Content: To seek approval for the use of £6.7m to secure 27 affordable housing units across the city, funded from £3m of grant (Local Authority Housing Fund) and £3.7m of HRA borrowing. This will be used to meet the needs specified in the grant conditions, notably for refugee resettlement and to alleviate pressures on homelessness services. To approve:   I)          the use of £6.7m, to secure 27 affordable housing units across the city to meet the objectives outlined in the Decision report; II)         the addition of £6.7m to the 2023/24 HRA capital programme financed from £3m of LAHF grant and £3.7m of prudential borrowing. To enable LCC to secure £3.013m of grant funding towards the acquisition of 27 new council homes; and to enable the total costs related to these acquisitions to be approved expenditure within the Housing Capital Programme. a.    To accept the funding b.    To refuse the funding  

Date of Decision: March 5, 2024