
The City Mayor has decided to recommend the General Fund Revenue Budget for 2024/25, including a tax rise, to the Council.


outcome: The City Mayor decided to recommend the budget and tax rise to the Council as proposed in the report, and requested the Director of Finance to prepare the formal budget resolution for 2024/25.

summary: The decision involves the recommendation of the General Fund Revenue Budget for the fiscal year 2024/25 by the City Mayor to the Council, including a proposed tax rise and changes to council tax premium rules.

topline: The City Mayor has decided to recommend the General Fund Revenue Budget for 2024/25, including a tax rise, to the Council.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the impact of the proposed tax rise and changes to council tax premium rules on residents, as well as the potential for differing opinions among council members and scrutiny committees.

affected_stakeholders: Residents affected by tax changes, council members, scrutiny committees, and the Director of Finance.

contentiousness_score: The contentiousness score cannot be accurately determined without additional context on local stakeholder reactions and political dynamics. However, budget and tax decisions typically range from moderately to highly contentious, so a preliminary score might be set at 5, subject to further information.

political_party_relevance: There is no explicit mention of political parties or political influence in the decision, but budget decisions are inherently political and may reflect the priorities of the ruling party or parties within the council.


Decision Maker: City Mayor (Individual Decision)


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: To recommend the General Fund Revenue Budget 2024/25 to Council.

Content: To recommend the General Fund Revenue Budget 2024/25 to Council. 1.         To thank scrutiny committees who have considered our draft budget and to thank the Overview Select Committee for endorsing the budget;   2.         To note the equality assessment of the proposed tax rise and changes to council tax premium rules, and (in the light of the findings and having regard to the implications) to recommend the budget and tax rise to the Council as proposed in the report;   3.         To ask the Director of Finance to prepare the formal budget resolution for 2024/25, referred to in Section 3 of the Council report The revenue budget forms part of the budget and policy framework.  Its approval is the responsibility of the full Council. The City Mayor is responsible for the preparation of a proposal for Council consideration.   A draft budget was published, and a formal decision to that effect was made by the City Mayor on 13th December 2023.  The budget was considered by a number of scrutiny commissions, followed by Overview Select Committee on 8th February.  Minutes of the commissions and Overview Select Committee will be circulated to Council members in advance of the budget meeting. Not applicable

Date of Decision: February 21, 2024