
The Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee has decided to conduct all business openly, with no items deemed exempt from public view.


outcome: The committee decided that there would be no exempt business.

summary: The decision at stake was whether there would be any exempt business, which refers to items that would be discussed without the press or public present due to their confidential nature.

topline: The Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee has decided to conduct all business openly, with no items deemed exempt from public view.

reason_contentious: The issue does not appear to be contentious as it simply states that all business will be conducted in an open and transparent manner without the need for private discussions.

affected_stakeholders: Local government transparency advocates, the general public, and the media.

contentiousness_score: 0

political_party_relevance: There is no mention of political parties or political influence in the decision provided.


Decision Maker: Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: There was no exempt business.

Date of Decision: March 20, 2024