outcome: The Cabinet approved the action plan appended to the report.
summary: The decision at stake was whether to approve an action plan in response to the recommendations from the Local Government Association's Corporate Peer Review of Gloucestershire County Council.
topline: The Cabinet has decided to approve an action plan in response to the Local Government Association's Corporate Peer Review of Gloucestershire County Council.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious if the recommendations address sensitive or controversial areas of local governance, or if there are significant changes proposed that affect local stakeholders or political interests.
affected_stakeholders: Local government officials, council employees, residents of Gloucestershire, local businesses, and any other groups directly impacted by the council's governance and services.
contentiousness_score: This score cannot be accurately determined without specific details on the nature of the recommendations and the local context. It would require insight into local political dynamics, stakeholder opinions, and the content of the action plan.
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence in the decision provided, but as the decision was made by the Cabinet, which is composed of elected officials, there may be an underlying political context.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To seek Cabinet’s approval for the Action Plan in response to the recommendations of the Local Government Association’s (LGA) recent Corporate Peer Challenge of Gloucestershire County Council
Content: Cllr Mark Hawthorne reported to Cabinet the proposed Action Plan in response to the recommendations of the Local Government Association’s (LGA) recent Corporate Peer Review of Gloucestershire County Council. Having considered all the information, Cabinet noted the report and RESOLVED to: Approve the action plan appended to the report in response to the recommendations arising from the Local Government Association’s Corporate Peer Review of Gloucestershire County Council.
Date of Decision: March 27, 2024