outcome: The Cabinet approved the disposal of sites listed as surplus to the council's requirements and delegated authority for the disposal process.
summary: The decision involves the approval of a schedule of property disposals to meet capital receipt targets for the council.
topline: The Cabinet has decided to approve a schedule of property disposals to meet the council's financial targets.
reason_contentious: The issue could be contentious due to potential community concerns over the loss of public assets, the impact on local services, and the transparency of the disposal process.
affected_stakeholders: Local community members, council service users, potential developers/investors, and council staff.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties, but the decision may have political implications given the involvement of council members and the potential impact on local government finances and services.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To approve the proposed Schedule of Disposals in order to meet capital receipt targets
Content: Cllr Lynden Stowe sought approval for the proposed Schedule of Disposals in order to meet capital receipt targets. Having considered all of the information, Cabinet noted the report and RESOLVED to 1. Approve those sites described in Appendix A (Exempt) which have previously been declared surplus by Cabinet in September 2023 and not yet disposed of, continue to be declared surplus to requirements. 2. Approve the sites listed on the proposed Schedule of Disposals Appendix B (Exempt) surplus to the Council’s land and property requirements. 3. Delegate authority to the Assistant Director – Asset Management and Property Services to dispose of these sites in consultation with the Deputy Leader/Cabinet Member for Finance and Change and Deputy Chief Executive/Executive Director for Corporate Resources.
Date of Decision: March 27, 2024