outcome: The Cabinet resolved to delegate authority to relevant officials to enter into funding agreements and approve up to £1,500,000 in grant funding if the DfT grant is awarded.
summary: The decision is about seeking approval to proceed with the ZEBRA project, which involves the adoption of Zero Emission Buses (ZEBs), contingent on receiving grant funding from the Department for Transport (DfT).
topline: The Cabinet has decided to move forward with the ZEBRA project, pending successful grant funding from the Department for Transport.
reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the significant financial commitment, the environmental impact of transitioning to zero-emission buses, and the potential effects on local transportation services and infrastructure.
affected_stakeholders: Stagecoach West, Oxford Bus Company, Lydney Dial a Ride, Community Transport, Forest of Dean District Council, local residents, and the environment.
contentiousness_score: 5
political_party_relevance: There is no direct mention of political parties or political influence on the decision within the provided text.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To seek Cabinet approval to move forward with the ZEBRA project, should the council’s bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) for ZEBRA grant funding be successful.
Content: To seek Cabinet approval to move forward with the ZEBRA project, should the council’s bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) for ZEBRA grant funding be successful. Cllr Philip Robinson sought Cabinet approval to move forward with the ZEBRA project, should the council’s bid to the Department for Transport (DfT) for ZEBRA grant funding be successful. Having considered all the information, Cabinet noted the report and RESOLVED to: If the council’s bid to the DfT for ZEBRA grant funding is successful, that Cabinet: 1. Delegate authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment, and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Bus Transport to: 1.1 enter into a funding agreement with the DfT for Gloucestershire County Council (GCC) to accept the DfT ZEBRA grant and then add the DfT grant amount to GCC’s capital programme; 1.2 enter into funding agreements with: (a) Stagecoach West, (b) Oxford Bus Company (Pulman’s parent company) and (c) Lydney Dial a Ride and Community Transport for GCC to award the ZEBRA capital grant funding together with GCC’s own funding contribution for the purpose of contributing towards the cost difference between Zero Emission Buses (ZEBs) and standard conventional diesel bus equivalents as well as the capital expenditure incurred as a result of infrastructure purchase and installation. 1.3 agree and implement a contracting arrangement with the Forest of Dean District Council (FODDC) to provide GCC with part funding for the Lydney Dial a Ride & Community Transport to purchase and operate a ZEB. 2 Approve GCC paying up to £1,500,000 in GCC grant funding by means of the three funding agreements described in Recommendation 1.2.
Date of Decision: March 27, 2024