
The council has decided to issue an informal warning to Mr. Gurung regarding the running of his licensed premises, with a stern reminder of the consequences of any future violations.


outcome: The council issued an informal warning to Mr. Gurung and expressed firm expectations for the future conduct of the premises, indicating close scrutiny and serious consequences for any further issues.

summary: The decision concerns the conduct of Mr. Gurung in relation to the running of licensed premises, with the council deciding on the appropriate regulatory response.

topline: The council has decided to issue an informal warning to Mr. Gurung regarding the running of his licensed premises, with a stern reminder of the consequences of any future violations.

reason_contentious: The issue may be contentious due to the balance between regulatory enforcement and the livelihood of the licensee, potential public safety concerns, and the interests of local residents and businesses.

affected_stakeholders: Mr. Gurung (licensee), local residents, local businesses, the Police, and the Licensing Authority.

contentiousness_score: 5

political_party_relevance: There is no explicit mention of political parties or political influence in the decision provided.


Decision Maker:

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The Sub-Committee decided that it was appropriate to issue an informal warning, coupled with this very firm expression of the Licensing Authority’s expectations. Mr Gurung should not underestimate the exceptional course the Sub-Committee has been persuaded to take in this case. Furthermore, he should be in no doubt that in the event of any repetition of the types of problems encountered in this case, there would almost inevitably be a further application for review. He may expect the running of the premises to be subject to very close scrutiny from the Police and the Licensing Authority. Any continuation or repetition of these problems would be viewed extremely seriously.

Date of Decision: March 21, 2024