

Decision Maker: Police, Fire and Crime Panel,


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The report of the Chief Legal and Monitoring Officer reminded the Panel that at its meeting on 9 October 2023, it had adopted an amended complaints procedure (together with documents setting out the process for investigation of complaints, protocol for the handling of complaints and conduct matters, protocol for habitual or vexatious complaints, complaints process flow chart and the complaints form) in respect of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner as well as the Deputy Commissioner.   These protocols and details of the process to be followed had been produced in accordance with the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2012 (the “Regulations”).   She reported that there had been no complaints received by the Monitoring Officer of Westmorland and Furness Council (the Host Authority) since the last Complaints Update was considered by the Police Fire and Crime Panel in October 2023.   Cllr Kelly stated that there were three possible reasons why there were no complaints. Firstly that there was nothing to complain about, secondly people do not know how to complain and thirdly that it was not worth complaining about.   Mrs E Haughin the Senior Lawyer commented that improvements could be made to the complaints process in particularly to the complaints form to make it more accessible and transparent. She indicated that she had been exploring options of Survey Monkey or Microsoft 365.   She also mentioned that the Home Office were looking into the potential at taking the responsibility of complaints away from the Panel.   RESOLVED: - To note the report.

Date of Decision: May 22, 2024