

Decision Maker:

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The Committee considered a report, together with two addenda circulated prior to the meeting, from planning officers, in relation to a full planning application for the demolition of existing buildings and construction of a 3 storey building containing 12no. apartments and associated parking and landscaping.   It was also advised that two further representations had been received, from existing objectors reiterating their concerns and that s106 payments should not override planning considerations.   A planning officer presented details of the application with the aid of maps, plans and photographs.   In accordance with the Committee’s speaking rights scheme, Councillor John O’Shea spoke at the meeting in objection to the application.  His representations are summarised as: ·       Car parking issues already exist in this area and the development will add to parking pressures.  There is also no visitor parking provision ·       The proposal of 12 units is an overdevelopment of the site ·       Neighbouring residents have a right to light and privacy and the proposed development will have a detrimental impact on neighbouring properties due to overlooking and loss of light ·       The appearance of the proposed development is out of keeping with the area and will have a negative impact on the character and appearance of the local area   There were no questions put to Councillor O’Shea.   Mr Bolam, on behalf of himself and other local residents, spoke in objection to the application.   Mr Bolam’s representations are summarised as: ·       Whilst it is recognised that there are targets for the provision of housing, the impact of the development on residents should be recognised as this is an overdevelopment of a site in a densely populated residential area. ·       Residents have the right to privacy and there will be overlooking from the numerous windows proposed in the development.  This had not been the case from the existing commercial building ·       Residents disagree with the officer assessment of the development as it will impact on upon residential amenity in terms of privacy. ·       The development is not set back from the pavement and there is minimal landscaping which is out of character for properties in this area ·       The revised design is out of keeping with the area ·       The height of the proposed development will block light to surrounding properties ·       The proposed parking does not comply with parking standards and there is no provision for disabled parking ·       The concerns of residents and their quality of life should be considered and the scheme should be rejected   There were no questions put to Mr Bolam.   Mr Puttick of RPN Planning Ltd, on behalf of the applicant, was permitted to address the Committee in support of the application.  Mr Puttick’s representations are summarised as: ·       A greater supply of new homes is needed across the borough ·       The development will regenerate a vacant brownfield site which is close to local amenities ·       The proposed development is sustainable, which local and national policies would support ·       The applicant has taken the concerns of residents seriously ·       The development has been reduced from 16 to 12 units and concerns regarding privacy and overbearing have been addressed ·       Sufficient parking is provided and cycle parking, refuse storage and suitable access are all provide and other concerns raised have been addressed through conditions ·       The advice of officers is that the proposed development is acceptable ·       The Council are not currently able to demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites and therefore the presumption in favour of sustainable development applies.   Mr Hoyland, the applicant also addressed the committee informing that the way he proposes to develop the site is important to him as he too is a local resident.   There were no questions put to Mr Puttick or Mr Hoyland.   Members of the Committee asked questions of the officers in relation to construction, parking and light.  In doing so the Committee gave particular consideration to: ·     Impact on residential amenity ·     Overdevelopment ·     Parking and highway impact ·     Impact on the character and appearance of the site and surrounding area ·     North Tyneside five year housing land supply ·     Local and national policy   Based upon the considerations of the Committee the Chair proposed acceptance of the officer’s recommendation as detailed within the addendum report dated 4 July 2024.  Also, the conditions outlined in pages 35-40 within the main agenda report but with the amendment of conditions 29 and 30 as detailed within the addendum report dated 4 July 2024. On being put to the vote, 5 members voted for the recommendation with 0 members voting against.   RESOLVED – a)   That the Committee is minded to grant the application; and b)     The Director of Regeneration and Economic Development be authorised to issue a notice of grant of planning permission subject to: i)                The conditions set out in the planning officers report and any subsequent addendum(s); and ii)              The addition, omission or amendment of any other conditions considered necessary by the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development; and iii)            Completion of a legal agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure financial contribution for the following: -       Equipped area for play/multi use games area: £8400 -       Primary education: £25,000 -       Employment and training: 0.5% of the total capital costs amount to be provided by developer -       Coastal mitigation: £4,044 -       Affordable housing: 1 unit onsite for sale at discounted market value And   a)   The Committee authorises the Director of Law and Governance and the Director of Regeneration and Economic Development to undertake all necessary procedures (Section 278 Agreement) to secure: -       New access -       Upgrade of footpath abutting the site -       Associated highway drainage -       Associated street lighting -       Associated road markings -       Associated signage -       Associated Traffic Regulation Order   And Conditions 29 and 30 be agreed  as follows:   Condition 29 The development hereby permitted shall be landscaped and planted in accordance with a fully detailed scheme which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to occupation of the approved development.  Thereafter, the scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details. Reason: In the interests of amenity and to ensure a satisfactory standard of landscaping having regard to policy DM5.9 of the North Tyneside Local Plan (2017).    Condition 30 All planting, seeding or turfing comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the occupation of the buildings or the completion of the development, whichever is the sooner, and any trees or plants which, within a period of five years from the completion of the development, die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced in the current or first planting season following their removal or failure with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority first gives written consent to any variation.  Reason: In the interests of amenity and to ensure a satisfactory standard of landscaping having regard to policy DM5.9 of the North Tyneside Local Plan (2017).   (Reasons for the decision: the Committee concluded that, having regard to the relevant policies contained with the Council’s Local Plan and National Planning Policy Framework, the proposed development was acceptable in terms of the principle of development and its impact on amenity, character and appearance within the surrounding area and local highway network).      

Date of Decision: July 8, 2024