

Decision Maker: Planning Committee


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: This application was an outline application for the erection of 2no. self build dwellings to include layout and scale with all other matters reserved following demolition of existing dwelling and structures on the site of Coronation Bungalow, Station Fields, Oakengates, Telford, Shropshire.   Councillor S J Reynolds, Ward Member, had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee.   Two additional reports had been tabled at the meeting.   Councillor S Reynolds, Ward Councillor, spoke against the application on behalf of local residents.  He raised concerns regarding the unadopted single track lane which was in a poor state of repair with very few passing places and following a recent collision into the fencing safety issues were raised.  Further concerns were raised in relation foul and surface water drainage and their connectivity and the impact of the joint water supply if this needed to be turned off during construction.   The area suffered from a lack of lighting and safety of pedestrians was highlighted.  An investigation of past mining works, together with any remedial work would be welcomed if the application was approved.   The Planning Officer informed Members that this application was for one bungalow on the site frontage and one dwelling to the rear on the existing large curtilage of the property with sufficient amenity space.  Objections had been received in relation to the unadopted road which was narrow in places but there were no objections from highway officers.   There was a public right of way on Station Fields and 2 conditions were proposed to ensure any damage caused was rectified and this was addressed in the two additional reports before Committee.  The road was unregistered and as such the applicant needed to complete a Certificate D Form and it was requested that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Management to ensure this was completed prior to any decision  notice being issued.  There would be two highway conditions in relation to a dilapidation survey of Station Fields and the requirement for a Construction Management Plan.  A remediation work condition would be imposed to ensure that any damage from construction vehicles along Station Road be repaired.  There were no objections in relation to drainage but conditions were requested from Severn Trent and site investigations would take place prior to commencement.  It would be unreasonable to ask the developer to install lighting on Station Fields for the addition of one dwelling.   During the debate, some Members questioned if adoption of Station Fields had ever been considered and suggested that the Council or the Parish Council consider bringing the road up to standard and providing additional lighting.  Other Members asked how the council would be satisfied that all of the conditions were adhered to.  Amendments and mitigation measures had been put in place but the council needed to ensure that the application remained one house and one bungalow but that there were no planning reasons that this application could not be approved.   The Planning Officer confirmed that in terms of bringing the road into an adoptable standard, the owners and residents of Station Fields need to agree.  Some representations had been made but there was not buy in from all properties.  Upon approval, the pre-commencement conditions would be activated and these required approval prior the commencement of the development.  If there were any breaches of condition, planning enforcement would get involved and all conditions had to have sign off.   Upon being put to the vote it was, by a majority:   RESOLVED – that delegated authority be granted to the Development Management Service Delivery Manager to grant planning permission (with the authority to finalise any matters relating to the certification, and due publication for 21 days and amended application form prior to the grant) and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and update reports  (with authority to finalise conditions, informatives and reasons for approval to be delegated to Development Management Service Delivery Manager).

Date of Decision: July 24, 2024