

Decision Maker: Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Outcome: Recommendations Approved

Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No


Content: The Policy Manager submitted a report relating to a Performance Management Review.  He requested that the Committee: -        Review the corporate performance mechanism and create a more robust performance monitoring procedure; -        Look at how the Council uses performance data to inform and make better decisions; -        Identify what ‘good’ performance looks like to help strengthen the current performance management framework and process; -        Understand productivity barriers impacting performance; and -        Consider and put forward recommendations for a new approach.   He explained that the Office for Local Government (Oflog) had requested all Local Authorities improved management information as well as being more accountable.  He gave details of how data was collected and measured within the authority. Local Authority Data Explorer (LADE) was the online web platform for this data with the RAG rating status being used to indicate data showing areas of concern.  Examples of productivity barriers impacting performance were listed in the report.    In accordance with Oflog’s request, the Council’s mechanism for monitoring performance had been reviewed and a new four tiered approach (Tier 1 to 4) to identify performance information had been proposed.  The four types of performance indicators were recommended as follows:   ·       Tier 1 – corporate headline, direct involvement KPI indicators (external) ·       Tier 2 – Indirect Hyndburn wide indicators (external) ·       Tier 3 – Corporate Strategy Outcomes (external) ·       Tier 4 – Service Areas KPIs (part of Service Plans (Internal/Portfolio Holder)   He reported that the accumulation of data, including KPIs, was important to use as measures for the performance of the Council and as an early indication of problems but should be used as a whole rather than individually.  He requested the Committee to give consideration to the types of data collected, including key performance indicators (KPIs).  He warned that comparison data with other authorities would require at least 2 years of data and would need to be similar in value.  He informed the Committee of the importance of ensuring that performance management was useful and be productive.  He pointed out that the data collated should be able to show productivity and flag up problems early enough to enable action for rectification.  This data should also be transparent on the Council’s website.  Members of the Committee were requested to give consideration to improving the mechanism for reporting performance data.  A number of questions were submitted to Members of the Committee in advance of the meeting which were responded to within the presentation.   Members of the Committee submitted the following suggestions:   -        All Councils should use a standard piece of software to measure performance? -        Reference was made to the measure SE3 – fly tipping incidents and a request for a KPI for the number of prosecutions. -        Performance Management should be spotlighted on Council websites so that residents could easily see what was working and areas of concern. -        Increases in house building, which would affect house prices, should be monitored. -        Direction of travel should be marked up in a different colour.  -        Concern that highlighting the RAG rating status in colour may be a problem to people who are colour blind. -        That the recording of household waste recycling rates could not be comparable with other Councils due to the different environments of each local authority.   The Policy Manager thanked Committee Members for their feedback and reported that a report would be submitted to Cabinet. Resolved                           (1)  That the report be noted;                                             (2)  That the Committee endorses and supports the approach being taken to deliver a new performance mechanism;                                             (3)  Supports the new corporate approach and structure (as outlined in the report) subject to the comments for consideration, submitted by Members of the Committee, as listed above;  (4) That the Committee notes that the finding of the review will be reported to Cabinet; and,                                 (5)  That a Performance Annual Report be created and all Tier 1 to 3 KPIs including key achievements, be published.    

Date of Decision: July 16, 2024