Decision Maker: Corporate Overview Group
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Chair of Growth and Development Scrutiny Group reported that the last meeting had received two items, on Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium and Infrastructure Delivery. In relation to Rushcliffe Oaks Crematorium, he said that the majority of the Group had been pleased with the report and the positive surplus and growth that had been delivered. He noted that the Group had asked for further information about finances. In relation to Infrastructure Delivery, he said that the Group had received detailed explanation about s106 and Community Infrastructure Levy monies and had raised questions about the variations process and had fed back that parish councils felt uniformed and powerless in the variations process. The Group had asked for additional methods for feeding back information to be put in place and for the Infrastructure Delivery report to return to the Group on an annual basis. The Chair of Governance explained that the next meeting of the Group was scheduled to take place at the end of this month and that an update would be provided to Corporate Overview Group in November. The Chair of Communities Scrutiny Group reported that the last meeting had received a report in relation to the Use of Community Facilities and Managed Spaces which had included an update about facilities at Gresham and West Park. He said that the Group had learned that sporting provision was performing well and meeting targets.
Date of Decision: September 3, 2024