

Decision Maker: Environment Committee, Community Services and Licensing Committee


Is Key Decision?: No

Is Callable In?: No

Purpose: The policy sets out the framework on Stroud District Council's approach to Antisocial behaviour as well as guidance on how to report Antisocial Behaviour.

Content: The Head of Community Services explained the Council did not currently have a corporate Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) policy however the policy would be the partner policy for the Council. She explained that the exception would be Housing as they require their own policy as a result of the complexities around tenancy agreements and court summons, however they would be reviewing it against the corporate policy. She outlined the engagement and consultation work which had been undertaken since summer 2023 and advised consideration was given against Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act, Serious Violence Duty and Strategic Plan. The policy established a framework which covered four areas which included; prevention, early identification, supported intervention and enforcement.   The Community Wardens work sat within the first three sections of the policy framework and Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) as a rule were issued by Officers at Ebley Mill instead of the Wardens. She also advised that the policy identified the effect ASB had on individuals which was a fundamental consideration to the policy, website enhancements to be able to report ASB on Stroud District Councils (SDCs) webpage was required, conjoined development of a Youth Strategy, a review of the penalty associated with enforcement would be reviewed in addition to reviewing CCTV stock.   In response to members questions, the following answers were provided by the Head of Community Services: Daily reports were received on fly-tipping however the difficulty arose on identifying those who had committed the offence. UBICO would collect the waste if perpetrator could not be identified. A creation of a communication plan for year-round communications would be produced. She would investigate what data was held on the proportion of fly-tipping being residential vs commercial fly tipping and report to members outside of Committee. She would also report to members outside of Committee in relation to what percentage of overall fly-tipping related to national waste operations and how we were working with other agencies. SDC would benchmark against other Councils and work in collaboration with the County.   Proposed by Councillor Simkiss, seconded by Councillor Watson.   Councillor Watson advised that she was pleased that litter and fly tipping was present in the Policy and commended the report.   Councillor Simkiss gave her thanks and advised that consistency was key and would be critical through data insight.   On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously.   RESOLVED To recommend to Community Services and Licencing Committee to approve the Antisocial Behaviour Policy 2024.  

Date of Decision: September 19, 2024