Decision Maker:
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Content: The Committee considered a report which set out proposed changes to Governance and sought delegated authority for the Chief Executive to make a decision regarding a structure change following the completion of the required consultation with staff. The report set out the background to the review of Governance and proposed that the current 0.6 FTE Governance & Civic Manager and 0.4 FTE Governance & Civic Manager / 0.6 FTE Governance & Civic Officer be replaced with one FTE Governance & Civic Manager (Grade 10) and one FTE Senior Governance & Civic Officer (Grade 7). It was also proposed that the Scrutiny Officer would become part of the Governance Team and would report directly to the Governance & Civic Manager. The Scrutiny Officer was currently a stand-alone post and would benefit from being within a team. The report set out that an increased budget of £36,641 was required to fund the proposed changes. The Committee discussed and supported the proposals. Moved by Councillor Duncan McGregor and seconded by Councillor Sandra Peake RESOLVED that (1) the proposed changes be noted; (2) authority be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer to make the changes, following completion of the consultation with Governance staff; (3) the budget increase required to fund the proposed changes be recommended to Council for approval.
Date of Decision: September 11, 2024