Decision Maker: Council, Strategy and Resources Committee
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: A 5 Year forward plan of essential maintenance of both the fabric and mechanical structures at Stratford Park Leisure Centre and Lido
Content: Councillor Aldam, Chair of Community Services and Licensing Committee, introduced the report and confirmed that necessary and urgent maintenance was required for both Stratford Park Leisure Centre and the Lido. The Outdoor pool had been kept open for 88 years with the same equipment and a Condition survey had confirmed that clear investment was needed to fully replace the Lido equipment. Stratford Park Leisure Centre (SPLC) also needed investment. The report recommended funding for a 5-year investment plan to ensure the centres remained useable and safe. Councillor Aldam highlighted the strong community that supported the Lido and emphasised the importance of the centres for residents health and wellbeing. Councillor Stanley asked for clarification as to whether the sentence “Should the investment plan be rejected, all groups will be affected by a gradual decline in service provision at Stratford Park Leisure Centre” had been missed from the Disability considerations in Appendix C and whether in relation to references to marriages and civil partnerships it would be the ceremonies that would be impacted. Councillor Aldam confirmed that this was correct. Councillor Hayne asked whether as part of the planned works they would be doing anything to improve services for disabled residents. Councillor Aldam confirmed that hoists and ramps would be provided. Councillor Ryder confirmed that he was supportive of the work but had a question related to the leisure and wellbeing strategy. He asked for an update as to whether an impact analysis had been carried out for the delivery of additional sites and whether the funding required for SPLC and the Lido would cause any delays in this stream of work. Councillor Aldam confirmed that the report included a recommendation for the Community Services Team to carry out a wider investment appraisal which would look into the options and any other concepts that had emerged from the Strategy. Proposed by Councillor Aldam and seconded by Councillor Robinson. Councillor Hofmann recognised the hard work that had gone into the report from the Leisure Services Manager and his team and the significant benefits that the leisure services provided to all residents. Councillor Robert Brown stated that SPLC and the Lido were tremendous assets for the community, and he therefore supported the recommendations, but asked the Leisure Services Manager to consider creative ways to resolve the annual deficit. Councillor Robinson thanked the Officers for the report and advised that even if they hadn’t agreed to take the leisure services back in house, as a landlord they would have needed to carry out the works to ensure essential facilities were updated, he urged Members to support the recommendations. Councillor Aldam thanked Councillors for their contributions and the Community Services Officers who had put in a lot of work. On being put to the vote, the motion was carried unanimously. RESOLVED To include the 5-year capital repair budget for Stratford Park Leisure Centre and Lido of £2.748 million in the capital programme, and additional revenue cost of £244k per annum in the Medium Term Financial Plan and to request the Leisure Services team commence a wider investment appraisal on the leisure estate in 2025.
Date of Decision: July 18, 2024