Decision Maker: Community Services and Licensing Committee
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: Report on recommendations of Taxi Task and Finish Group following further consultation with licence holders on the Councils taxi and private hire vehicle policy on first licensing a vehicle
Content: The Licensing Manager advised Committee that Officers had received a request from the Taxi and Private Hire trade to review SDCs vehicle age policy on first licensing of a vehicle due to the costs associated with new vehicles. She outlined the current policy which stated a vehicle could not be anymore than 5 years old on first licence unless it fell under an exemption of being electric, ultra-low emission or wheelchair accessible. The Task and Finish (T&F) Group met in July and reviewed 4 options which were sent to public consultation and detailed in the report. The recommendation to consider was to change the vehicle age limit from 5 to 7 years old or less. Councillor Rothwell-Warn asked if the Taxi and Private Hire trade had been informed of the T&F Groups recommendation and whether SDC could promote taxis within the area. The Licensing Manager advised that the trade were aware of the recommendation and that any vehicle SDC licence was held on SDC’s website with contact information. Councillor Edmunds asked whether vehicles would still be required to be Euro 6 compliant under the new proposed 7 year criteria and whether funding was available to encourage vehicles to be electric or hybrid. The Licensing Manager confirmed vehicles would still be required to be Euro 6 compliant and there was some funding from Central Government however the cost of these vehicles were a large an investment for local businesses. Proposed by Councillor Hamilton, seconded by Councillor Turner. Councillor Turner advised that the help and advice given by Officers during the consultation period was of great value which Councillors Robinson and Hamilton echoed these comments. On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously. RESOLVED a) Amend Stroud District Council’s Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Policy to change the age criteria on first licensing a vehicle from the current policy of 5 years old or less, to 7 years old or less. The current exemptions for electric vehicles, low emission vehicles and wheelchair accessible vehicles to continue. b) The change in policy to be implemented from 1st November 2024.
Date of Decision: September 26, 2024