Decision Maker: Community Services and Licensing Committee
Is Key Decision?: No
Is Callable In?: No
Purpose: The report presents a Cultural Strategy for Stroud District supported by a delivery programme
Content: The Director of Communities introduced the report advising that Committee were being asked to recommend to Council for adoption before SDC could start to deliver the 2 year action plan, which had been co-produced with Art and Cultural Representatives within the district. He advised that the culture sector thrived within the district on restrained budgets through enthusiastic organisations and the strategy would help and support the network with improved targeted support. The strategy work was commissioned in 2022 working with the organisation 64 Million Artists who assisted SDC with the consultation process and collaborative working with the cultural and voluntary sector. The report identified 6 themes within the strategy; Creativity, Climate and Nature, Communicating and Connecting, Economy and Regeneration, Future Generations, Communities and Wellbeing and Heritage and Place and outlined indicative figures on how the £250k could be spent, including a creation of a Community Panel to deliver the objectives within the action plan. He also recognised the previous Councillors work, in particular Norman Kay who championed and drove the need for a strategy. In response to Councillor Edmunds, the Strategic Director of Communities advised the Community Panel would have input from SDC Officers but would primarily be led by the cultural sector organisations. Councillor Boyle queried if SDC had explored other council’s best practise when producing the strategy. The Strategic Director of Communities advised that a number of other council strategies were looked at and referenced GCC’s emerging cultural strategy. Proposed by Councillor Hamilton, seconded by Councillor Godfrey. Councillor Godfrey gave her thanks and that she was pleased to have a strategy in place. Councillor Robinson thanked the Strategic Director of Communities for his words relating to Norman Kay who was passionate about a cultural strategy within the district. Councillor Edmunds echoed his comments. The Chair, Councillor Aldam, advised that the strategy was a statement of support to the arts and cultural organisation within the district. Councillor Hamilton echoed the comments made and stated the strategy played an important role SDC has in promoting and encouraging cultural heritage within the district. On being put to the vote, the Motion was carried unanimously. RECOMMENDED 1. Approve and adopt Stroud district's Cultural Strategy and Action Plan. 2. Approve the allocation of £250,000 to support the delivery of the Action Plan. 3. Delegate responsibility to the Strategic Director of Communities in consultation with the Strategic Director of Resources and the Chair of Community Services and Licencing Committee to oversee the Strategy's implementation and provide reports on progress.
Date of Decision: September 26, 2024