Decision Maker: Executive
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To seek approval to consult on the Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy, which sets out proposals for how the Council will communicate and engage with our diverse audiences. The creation and implementation of a new Communications and Engagement Strategy is a key project to be delivered under Priority Six of the Corporate Strategy 2023 – 2029 which aims to ensure we are ‘a responsive, inclusive and innovative Council’. The Communications and Engagement landscape has changed during recent years, with many more people consuming news and engaging online. However, a core group of people prefer to engage using more traditional methods. To ensure we continue to meet the needs of our diverse audiences a draft Communications and Engagement Strategy has been developed. This is based around a series of proposed aims, supporting priorities and projects with which to guide better communications and engagement with both external and internal customers of the Council. Approval is sought to consult on the draft strategy.
Content: To seek approval to consult on the Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy, which sets out proposals for how the Council will communicate and engage with our diverse audiences. The creation and implementation of a new Communications and Engagement Strategy is a key project to be delivered under Priority Six of the Corporate Strategy 2023 – 2029 which aims to ensure we are ‘a responsive, inclusive and innovative Council’. The Communications and Engagement landscape has changed during recent years, with many more people consuming news and engaging online. However, a core group of people prefer to engage using more traditional methods. To ensure we continue to meet the needs of our diverse audiences a draft Communications and Engagement Strategy has been developed. This is based around a series of proposed aims, supporting priorities and projects with which to guide better communications and engagement with both external and internal customers of the Council. Approval is sought to consult on the draft strategy. RESOLVED that the Executive approves a public consultation on the Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy.
Date of Decision: November 4, 2024