Decision Maker: Executive
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To obtain approval to include Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats as a new and additional appendix (Appendix A to the report) to the Fareham Housing Regeneration Strategy. To approve in principle the redevelopment of the Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats site, having regard to the options and estimated costs cited in Appendix B to the report. The Regeneration Strategy was adopted at the March 2021 Executive meeting and details the factors that will be considered when identifying and progressing housing regeneration opportunities. Appendix C (Appendix A to the report) is the third of the individual site-specific appendices produced for Executive approval. Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats is a Fareham Borough Council owned sheltered housing scheme constructed in 1972. Due to its age, many of the major structural elements of the building are nearing the end of their life, resulting in increased and more lengthily maintenance. Internally, the accommodation consists of small, poorly designed units which fall short of modern standards of living. Regeneration options have been explored, and the recommendation is to replace the existing buildings and garages with new, energy efficient, affordable homes.
Content: To obtain approval to include Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats as a new and additional appendix (Appendix A to the report) to the Fareham Housing Regeneration Strategy. To approve in principle the redevelopment of the Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats site, having regard to the options and estimated costs cited in Appendix B to the report. The Regeneration Strategy was adopted at the March 2021 Executive meeting and details the factors that will be considered when identifying and progressing housing regeneration opportunities. Appendix C (Appendix A to the report) is the third of the individual site-specific appendices produced for Executive approval. Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats is a Fareham Borough Council owned sheltered housing scheme constructed in 1972. Due to its age, many of the major structural elements of the building are nearing the end of their life, resulting in increased and more lengthily maintenance. Internally, the accommodation consists of small, poorly designed units which fall short of modern standards of living. Regeneration options have been explored, and the recommendation is to replace the existing buildings and garages with new, energy efficient, affordable homes. RESOLVED that the Executive agrees: (a) to approve the inclusion of the site-specific Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats as Appendix C to the Fareham Housing Regeneration Strategy, as attached as Appendix A to the report; and (b) the in-principle redevelopment of Melvin Jones House and St Marys Road Flats.
Date of Decision: November 4, 2024