Decision Maker: Executive
Outcome: Recommendations Approved
Is Key Decision?: Yes
Is Callable In?: Yes
Purpose: To consider the introduction of a food waste collection service across the Borough in March 2026. It is anticipated that the introduction of weekly food waste collections will be mandatory for English Waste Collection Authorities from 31 March 2026. Preparations are already underway to meet this requirement in Fareham. A moderate financial and delivery risk has been identified if supply chain issues delay the availability of new food waste vehicles and kerbside caddies. Given that capital grant funding has already been received, and secure storage is available, it is recommended that the five food waste vehicles and 47,500 kerbside cassies required are purchased as soon as possible, in advance of the finalised Environment Act Regulations and Statutory Guidance being in place.
Content: To consider the introduction of a food waste collection service across the Borough in March 2026. It is anticipated that the introduction of weekly food waste collections will be mandatory for English Waste Collection Authorities from 31 March 2026. Preparations are already underway to meet this requirement in Fareham. A moderate financial and delivery risk has been identified if supply chain issues delay the availability of new food waste vehicles and kerbside caddies. Given that capital grant funding has already been received, and secure storage is available, it is recommended that the five food waste vehicles and 47,500 kerbside cassies required are purchased as soon as possible, in advance of the finalised Environment Act Regulations and Statutory Guidance being in place. RESOLVED that the Executive agrees that: (a) subject to any unforeseen changes to primary and secondary legislation and the availability of new burdens revenue funding, a weekly household food waste collection service is introduced from 30 March 2026; (b) five 7.5 tonne diesel food waste vehicles are purchased at a cost of up to £613,800; (c) 23L kerbside food waste caddies are purchased at a cost of up to £218,335; (d) the cost of the minor upgrade at Broadcut Depot is funded within the Defra capital grant; and (e) all the food waste vehicles in the Council’s fleet are run on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) to minimise the impact of the new service on the Council’s carbon emissions.
Date of Decision: November 4, 2024